Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails Training Courses in Nagpur , Ruby on Rails Training Companies in Nagpur, Ruby on Rails Job Oriented Training in Nagpur

Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Training as per companies requirement on Ruby on Rails. The course is conducted by Faculty who is an expert in Ruby on Rails. The Training is as per job requiements. Ruby on Rails has many job vacancies in and around Nagpur. Any Graduate can do the course on Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails - Module 1

Date and Time
Files and Directories
Code Block and Iteration
Object and Classes
Module and Namespaces
Reflection and Metaprogramming
Graphics and Other file formats
Database and Persistence
Internet Services
Multitasking and Multithreading
User Interface

Ruby on Rails Module 2

Rails Basic
Active record basic
Rails database migration
Active record validation
Active record callback
Active record association
Active record query interface
Layout and rendering in rails
Action view form helper
Action controller overview
Rails routing
Debugging rails application

Ruby on Rails Module 3

Basic of Javascript with Rails

Ruby on Rails Module 4

Introduction to Git and heroku

Ruby on Rails Module 5

Sample application on Rails and deployment of application on heroku



BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic Others,

Basic Programming

C / C++ ,


Software Testing,

Hardware & Networking

CCNA, MCSE, Hardware, Networking

Courses at Atlanta

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